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Safe Driving in the Rain

Rainy weather can cause reduced visibility, slippery roads, and the potential for hydroplaning which poses significant challenges for drivers.  With proper precautions, you can stay safe while navigating wet roads on rainy days.

Below are some essential tips for driving in the rain which can help ensure your safety. 

  1. Go Out Prepared
    Make sure to check your tires, brakes, and windshield wipers to verify they are properly functioning. You will also need to use your defroster to defrost your windows and keep them clear of condensation which can limit visibility. 
  2. Turn on Your Headlights
    Your headlights need to be turned on even during light rain. This helps make you more visible to other drivers on the road. 
  3. Increase Following Distance by Slowing Down
    In rainy weather, it is a good idea to slow down and reduce the amount of distance between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you. This allows for more reaction time, especially if your car begins to hydroplane. 
  4. Handle Hydroplaning Without Panic
    Hydroplaning occurs when your tires lose contact with the road surface. If you do start to hydroplane, ease off the gas and steer in the direction you want to go. Try not to panic or make any sudden maneuvers. It is a good idea to be mindful of the puddles and standing water to avoid damage to your vehicle. 
  5. Know the Weather Conditions
    Stay informed on the weather forecasts and road conditions. If it is unsafe to drive, you may consider delaying your trip if possible.

By following these tips and other safety guidelines while driving in the rain, you can significantly enhance your safety and the safety of those around you. Remember, driving in the rain requires extra caution and attention, arriving safely is more important than arriving quickly. Take your time and stay focused when driving in wet weather.



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