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Stop Sign: Helping with Road Safety

Stop signs are an important part of road safety. As a simple, but effectively designed sign,  they help to prevent accidents by requiring drivers to come to a complete stop and check for traffic before proceeding. Stop signs help direct the flow of traffic to make roads safer for all drivers and pedestrians. 

To obey a stop sign, one must come to a complete stop before the white line. Then, look both ways for traffic and pedestrians. When it is determined that the intersection is clear, one may proceed slowly and cautiously. 

While stop signs may seem like a tedious part of our everyday lives, they play a vital role in keeping us safe on the road. If you see a stop sign, obey it. It is the law, and it is the best way to keep yourself and others safe. 

The penalty for failing to stop at a stop sign varies from state to state, but it typically includes a fine and points on the driver's license. If you do get a traffic citation for failing to stop and the court allows you to take traffic school, is here to help. Sign up today!



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